/BCO-DMO/Phytoplankton_Traits/growth_rates --lat eq -11.54-- Level 1

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#   Phytoplankton growth rates and isolation locations
#   E. Litchman (MSU)
#   version: 2014-12-22
#      Supplementary material for Thomas et al, 2012, Science, Table 6
strain  taxon                                               study                                     lat      lon      
109     Pernambugia_tuberosa_strain_GeoB*74                 Meier_et_al._2004                         -11.54   -28.58   
temp  growth_rate  
14.9  0.146947202  
16.5  0.198933241  
18.2  0.170514206  
19.8  0.29250811   
21.7  0.361129681  
23.3  0.335483235  
25    0.295973846  
26.6  0.273099989  
28.4  0.264089076